Monday, March 11, 2013

A Week of Sex: March 4-10

Okay, finally gonna do my best to catch up and get back to regular posting. I know, bad blogger. I've probably earned a spanking. Well, if you must... ;)

Here's the week in sex news:
Does this remind anyone else of that episode of The Big Bang Theory where Wallowitz and Kuthrapali try out a long-distance kissing device, and basically end up kissing each other? Well, it's kinda like that... but not for tongues. If you're in a geographically-challenged twosome, this might be one to check out!
I wish I could have been there. This lady sounds seriously kickass. Wonder if she's in the market for a new best friend?

In case you're curious about the video mentioned in the SXSW article. I was. Also here's the link to her website. 
Mind=blown. Can you even imagine the internet without porn anymore? I can't. To be totally honest, I'm not really sure I want to. 
Okay, so I'm almost hesitant to write this, cos I don't want to discourage men from doing their fair share of housework... but remember that thing going around about how men who do more housework have more sex? Yeah, it's not true. Necessarily. You know, unless you have a wife who appreciates that sort of thing. Which a lot of us do. *Ahem.*

Did you know that if you're profiled as a sex worker in New York City and happen to be a responsible sexual person carrying a condom, you can be arrested and held for up to three days? Neither did I. 

Modern technology - social media in particular - has changed how we do business. All of us. Even those conducting it in less than traditional settings.

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