Monday, February 4, 2013

A Week of Sex: January 28-February 3

You guys, there is so much going on on the internet to do with sex every week, it's seriously impossible to pick a reasonable number of links to share! I'm trying, I really am. On the plus side, for those of you who are as insatiable as I am, this'll give you a few hours of entertainment. Enjoy, on me. (Get your minds out of the gutter. Not literally. You know, like a drink. NO NOT A BODY SHOT. I give up on you people.)

Or rather, 7 ways lack of sex can kill a marriage. Mostly pretty common sense, but there might be one or two things in here you haven't figured out yet. Okay, probably not, because by just being here you're clearly very smart. 
A little too much 'hip' lingo, but still. Good, sound info, balanced perspectives and clearly intelligent authors. So I can forgive 'em for trying a little hard. I'm sure it plays excellently to the over-dramatic teen crowd, which is their target demo.
The title is a bit misleading... the point is, in a successful relationship, both partners should feel happy with their sex life. Whenever & however it works for them.
Totally just for fun. Asian dude posts on Craigslist offering Coachella tickets ("It might even be a VIP pass if you're lucky") if you are basically the perfect blonde or brunette girl who promises to put out. Are you f**king kidding me? 
Twitter's new Vine app, which allows people to share short videos, is now embroiled in a porn scandal. Of course.
Sick of Budweiser and car commercials at the Superbowl? Me too. If only they'd approved this one for Pornhub
An interview with Carol Cohen Greene, sex surrogate and the woman behind Helen Hunt's character in The Sessions.
A new study shows that apparently how your 'first time' went could impact how much you enjoy your sexual encounters later in life. Not to put any more pressure on a rite of passage that is often fumbling, painful, awkward and over way too fast or anything.

That's it for another week of sex - if I missed anything fun, funny or just plain awesome, share in the comments!

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